Thursday, November 5, 2009

Diary: You are not the king anymore!

When our city's most famous physics teacher died, our city experienced one of the biggest unplanned funerals. Thousands of people rushed into the roads and exhibited a state of pure sadness. I can vividly remember on the very first morning after his death when I was anxiously looking for a place to have some of his photos color-copied – based on a promise I made to his son- the man who finally agreed to do this on that Friday morning – and of course was not happy at all to do that on a weekend- looked at the photos and suddenly recognized him. He copied all the photos for free. Why was he so popular? Where did that charisma come from? Now I can certainly say that he was a perfect conveyor of knowledge. He was an expert in transferring knowledge to students. He was a charismatic teacher.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Diary: Group portrait with Student

Human beings – maybe as an internal tendency – tend to model the natural phenomena occurring around them. They have always been showing great enthusiasm in adopting models to explain natural events with which – sometimes – no thorough scientific justifications are associated. To highlight my academic background – maybe in order to show off a little- I would like to depict an example which may help me find a better way to elaborate on what I am trying to convey.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Diary: Grammar, Grammar, Grammar

"You know, I don't want a grammar class. I need to talk. I want to attend a conversation class!"

Comments of such constitute my memories of days in which I used to serve as an educational manager in an English institute. Client themselves and even parents were constantly showing their concerns about grammar. Why is Grammar so frightening? Why do people persistently try to avoid grammar? In the following lines I have tried to bring some perspectives about language and especially grammar based on what I have already picked mostly from the book Aspects of Language Teaching by H. G. Widdowson and class discussions and reviewing my own experiences in teaching as well.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Diary: What I have been supposed to learn about Learning and Learning Process

Diary is the title which hardly fully illustrates what I am going to do in the following lines. As far as diary is concerned, I may think of it as a collection of sentences describing – or maybe reporting – what has happened during any time unit in any given circumstance. However, I have titled this entry DIARY just because I have been supposed to do so. In the following lines, I mostly try to reflect my own understanding of what is called Learning and Learning Process. This understanding comes mostly from the book chapters cited in the syllabus and from class discussions.

To my Dear Professor

I believe when someone dares to experience such a dramatic change as I experienced, he has already devoted a considerable amount of time on thinking and challenging himself on the consequences of such a decision.
There is no reason for pessimism. My hands are widely open to embrace any unpredicted event in this way, and my mind is absolutely prepared to tolerate any upcoming ambiguity.
I am quite enjoying this.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Am I in trouble?

having been a blogger for years, I am experiencing a different start now. I have been used to publish my own personal ideas on various issues freely and have been looking at this activity as a mere fun- as far as my professional life is considered- and as a serious activity as far as the importance of writing in its very nature is considered.
This is definitely the first time I have been asked- ordered?- to create a blog in order for it not to be Nima Sadeh: His Own Editor, but in order to serve as a quasi-media to publish what I would like to call it HOMEWORK: A Post-childhood Era.
You might be interested in my previously created blogs. If I am this lucky, here you go: a blog in Persian which reflects my ideas about various social issues and unfortunately has not been updated for a while.and:
The land of Nod a blog in English I am a co-author of which . This blog has recently been updated mostly by my dear cousin Roozbeh.

A good start? See what is coming next.